A lot of my focus for the past few weeks has been on habits. I’ve written well-nigh habits surpassing on My Brain’s Not Broken, but every time I revisit the topic I learn something new. Towers healthy habits is an essential speciality of my mental health toolkit, but it doesn’t stop there. Maintaining healthy habits is just as important as towers them; however, that’s easier said than done. Here are five reminders well-nigh towers mentally healthy habits that can help alimony us as healthy as we can be!
Tailor these habits to you.
When towers healthy habits, never forget that these habits are for you! Your opinion is the most important one here. Just considering someone’s habits work for them doesn’t midpoint they’re perfect for you, and vice versa. Whatever habits you want to build, you can tweak them and play with them to suit your personality and needs.
Make sure these habits are realistic
One of my biggest roadblocks to reaching goals is how realistic things are, and I midpoint this in the most literal sense of the word. Realistic doesn’t just midpoint if something is possible – it moreover ways thinking well-nigh if it’s realistic for you and your life. Sometimes, what works for one person would be untellable for another. You are the most important person in this scenario and if it doesn’t work for you, that’s okay!
There is strength in numbers.
When I think well-nigh habits I want to build, I try not to get hyper-focused on one specific thing. I do this considering in the past, focusing on one habit or worriedness to ‘cure’ my well-being created untellable expectations that couldn’t possibly have been reached. Finding as many healthy habits as possible can build a strong foundation, and requite someone a number of options instead of having to rely on one or two things every single time.
Remember that setbacks happen.
Since I wrote an unshortened post on this recently, I won’t dwell on this point too much. However, I still want to include this point here considering it’s an important speciality of maintaining healthy habits. Setbacks are wontedly seen as failures, but I’d dispute that. If I have a daily habit of meditating and one day I do it, does that make me a failure? No. But I often finger like a failure considering I don’t unchangingly remember that this is just a temporary setback, and I have flipside endangerment tomorrow to set things right.
Understand why you chose these habits in the first place.
Habits are just one speciality of our lives, but they requite insight into who we are and what matters most to us. When I think well-nigh healthy habits I want to build, I enjoy the fact that they’re reflective of me and my personality. I picked them not considering they would “help,” but considering they were things I was interested in, that I like, and that would help me as a person. What helps one person doesn’t necessarily help another, which ways that we need to segregate what works for us. Remembering why we do unrepealable things, and calling to mind those reasons, can make all the variegated in maintaining these habits. They matter considering we want to do them, and we matter.
Whether it’s towers up healthy habits or maintaining current ones, good luck to everyone who’s trying to utilize healthy habits in their lives! Day by day, we can build mentally healthier lives.
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